Composite Fillings in Derwood, MD

Composite fillings are one of the most versatile solutions in cosmetic dentistry. Composite resin is a material that can restore the strength of a tooth as well as improve its appearance. While unsightly silver fillings were once the only way to repair an area of decay or damage, patients can now take advantage of tooth-colored composite fillings. At Three Creek Dentistry, we value the importance of providing high-quality restorative options that also maximize your smile aesthetics.

In terms of cosmetic dentistry, we can use the composite filling material to bond a chipped tooth, reshape a disfigured tooth or cover up discoloration. We can even fix small gaps or uneven teeth to help you attain a more balanced and attractive smile. Best of all, dental bonding is one of the most affordable, painless and quick ways to dramatically improve your smile.

What is a Composite Resin?

Composite resin, also called a “white filling,” is a plastic mixture that is applied in layers. We have a talented dentist in Derwood who understands the science and artistry it takes to create ideal results in dental bonding. After the composite resin is applied, a special curing light is used to harden the material so that it bonds to your tooth surface. Finally, we will polish the affected tooth for long-lasting protection. Composite resin is a durable material that can be customized to match your existing smile in color and shape.

You can expect a rewarding experience and seamless solution when choosing composite resin at Three Creek Dentistry. When it comes to your cosmetic dentistry investment, we go above and beyond to meet and even exceed your expectations.

To learn if composite tooth fillings can address your specific smile concerns, please contact Three Creek Dentistry today to schedule a consult at our Derwood dental office. We may even be able to replace your old amalgam fillings with a preferred tooth-colored alternative.

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Three Creek Dentistry