Family Block Dental Appointments Give Your Family The Freedom They Need

Three Creek Dentistry is excited to be celebrating the upcoming Independence Day of our Nation. It’s an honor and a privilege to live in a country that offers the freedoms, beauty and privileges that we have! How does your family plan to celebrate July 4th? Do your kids love or dread the fireworks? Are hotdogs and hamburgers on the menu?
At Three Creek Dentistry, we care about your family. We know that your schedules are busy, and you want as much time built into your schedule to participate in the activities that you all enjoy the most. We offer convenient scheduling options to allow your family to have the freedoms and flexibility you want and deserve. We offer Family Block Dental Appointments, Extended Hours, and Saturday Appointments.
With Family Block Dental Appointments you will save time and money when you book your entire family’s appointment at one time. Less time in the car going back and forth for multiple dental appointments saves on gas. It also saves time in the car driving back and forth. According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, American drivers spend an average of more than 17,6000 minutes behind the wheel each year. That’s a lot of time behind the wheel!
At Three Creek Dentistry, we love offering your family the gift of time and convenience with our scheduling option, especially Family Block Dental Appointments. Call and book your appointment with us today to experience the freedom that theses types of appointments can give to you!
Posted on behalf of Three Creek Dentistry