Restore Your Dental Implants!

senior couple hug and smile after learning about the benefits of dental implants

Losing even a single tooth has a big impact on your smile. It changes your appearance, affects your chewing function, and can cause your jawbone to lose density. Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth whether you’re looking for a single implant or implant-supported dentures. What are implants exactly? Can dental implants wear down?

The Dental Implant Process

Dental implants have two pieces: a titanium post and tooth replacement. We surgically insert the post into your jawbone. We then wait until the post has fused to your jawbone, where it replaces the missing tooth root. When you’ve healed, we’ll place a crown, bridge, partial, or denture on top. The type of tooth replacement we use depends on your needs. The implant procedure can take around 6-8 months.

Dental Implant Restoration

At Three Creek Dentistry, we complete dental implants from start to finish. We also offer dental implant restoration. When would you need a restoration? Dental implants are very durable and have a high success rate. They can still get damaged or become loose. As soon as you notice a problem, give us a call. Most of the time, it’s the crown that needs repairs. If this is the case, aftercare is very simple and there’s very little downtime. If we need to do something with the implant itself, recovery may take a few weeks.

Does insurance cover restorations? If the repair is necessary for your oral health, insurance is more likely to pay for it. If the issue is more cosmetic, insurance may not cover as much. Besides taking insurance, we offer flexible payment options.

Restoring Your Smile with Dr. Trinh & Dr. Lam

Dental implants are durable, natural-looking, and easier to care for than traditional dentures. They also preserve your jawbone density. If you have implants and need repairs, we’re here for you. Please contact our Derwood office if you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment!


Three Creek Dentistry