Keeping Mom & Baby Healthy During Pregnancy

pregnant woman laying down holding her belly.

It’s no secret that the body rapidly changes as pregnancy progresses. But did you know that oral health also changes? Pregnancy can make women more prone to gum disease and cavities. However, good oral care can encourage you and your baby to have a healthy pregnancy. Keep reading to learn a few helpful tips on oral care during pregnancy!

Rinse After Morning Sickness

Morning sickness may or may not be experienced during pregnancy. But if it is, it can impact teeth and gums quickly as acid weakens tooth enamel, placing a great risk of cavities. If you experience morning sickness, avoid brushing your teeth immediately. Instead, the American Dental Association recommends rinsing the mouth with water or mouthwash anytime something acidic comes into contact with your teeth.

Snack Smart

Cravings or new eating habits can develop during pregnancy. It’s not uncommon for frequent snacking or an urge for sweet treats to occur. After all, you’re eating for two! Unfortunately, frequently snacking places teeth with consistent contact of sugar or acid. Making a more conscious effort to snack smart on food like yogurt, fruit, or vegetables can be healthy for you, your baby, and your smile!

Schedule Routine Dental Visits

While you brush twice a day and at least floss once, it’s still important to keep up with routine dental visits. When you schedule your dental visit, inform Dr. Trinh of your pregnancy so Dr. Trinh and our team can take the proper steps in caring for your oral health.

Family Dentistry in Derwood, Maryland

Visiting the dentist before, during, and after pregnancy is vital in maintaining good oral health and overall health. At Three Creek Dentistry, we offer comprehensive dental services for patients of all ages! Our office always welcomes new smiles. Whether you need dental care for yourself or the entire family, give our office a call to schedule your appointment.


Three Creek Dentistry