Five Ways to Reduce Plaque

man drinking a big bottle of water to reduce dental plaque

Plaque is the sticky film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth throughout the day. When left untreated, plaque hardens into tartar, which usually takes professional dental tools to properly remove. Over time, plaque can cause decay to your teeth, resulting in damage or even total tooth loss.

Below are five ways you can reduce plaque buildup and enjoy a cleaner smile.

1. Brush & Floss Your Teeth Twice Per Day

This is a non-negotiable step: you must brush and floss your teeth twice per day, every single day. This is the single best way to reduce plaque on the surface of your teeth and under the gum line. It is important that you use the proper brushing technique (small, brisk circles to clean the entire surface of each tooth and prevent abrasion) as well.

2. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is horrible for your health, especially your oral health. The chemicals in cigarettes can promote bacteria growth, making it more likely for you to develop plaque and even gum disease.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

Sugar, acidic foods and beverages, and carbohydrates fuel plaque and bacteria. Moreover, when bacteria on the surface of your teeth eat sugar and carbs, they release a harmful acid that in turn does more damage to your teeth. Instead, opt for whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, proteins, dairy, and nuts and seeds.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Sugary and acidic beverages can also damage your teeth. Drinking plenty of water is not only healthy for your whole body, but it naturally washes plaque from the surface of your teeth throughout the day.

5. See Your Dentist Twice a Year

While doing all of the above will do wonders for your oral health, it is also important to see your dentist twice a year for routine cleanings and examinations so they can carefully examine your teeth, remove plaque and tartar buildup wherever it might be, and devise an action plan for any signs of decay or gum disease. Because even if you follow all of the above steps, some patients may have a genetic predisposition or other conditions that make them susceptible to developing decay.

Comprehensive Dentistry in Derwood, Maryland

Three Creek Dentistry is accepting new patients at our family-friendly dental office. If you are looking for a dental office that can provide top-notch preventative, cosmetic, and restorative dental services along with dedicated pediatric dental care, please contact us to learn more! We make every effort to make our treatments affordable thanks to our flexible financing plans. We look forward to hearing from you!


Three Creek Dentistry